Project: 1200 is a grassroots movement that uses social activism, creativity, and policy to take a stand against Big Tobacco - an industry that kills 1,200 people every day in the United States and 5 million people worldwide every year.
We will educate, advocate, and fight until Big Tobacco is brought to its knees.

28 February, 2010

Dear Governor, LISTEN UP!

Alright everyone!

Monday, March 1st is gonna be an important day in history! It is the day that Governor Herbert's phone lines and email inbox will be FLOODED!

The governor is taking a tally on who is for/against the tobacco tax, and we need to make it VERY CLEAR who is in charge! Big Tobacco is gonna be workin' hard, so we gotta work even harder!

--Call him between 7:30 am - 6 pm at 801.538.1000
--Email him anytime before 6 pm HERE.

ONE LINE is all thats needed! "Please support a life-saving increase to the tobacco tax."

Too much money and too many lives are at risk for this to pass by another year.

26 February, 2010

What A Day! (HB 82 update)

4 project:1200 activists
6 hours
35 legislators contacted face-to-face

I'll tell you what: all that work is exhausting! But it will pay off. Oh yes, it will pay off. Before we know it, Big Tobacco will be suffering worse than the millions that they are killing! Let's keep on keepin' on!

Please continue to write legislators about the tobacco tax! For guidance, check out the last half of yesterday's post "Big Tobacco Kills People... and Bills."

Also, with all this excitement following the tobacco tax, I forgot about HB 82 (smoking in cars with children)! This is going to be discussed in the Health and Human Service (HHS) committee meeting on monday, so write the members of this committee to urge them to support this bill! Here are their email addresses:

(copy and paste into the BCC line),,,,,

Here are some talking points for this bill:

- there is NO SAFE LEVEL of tobacco smoke exposure

- the level of toxic air in a vehicle when smoking is 10 TIMES greater than what the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers hazardous.

-in 1997, the National Cancer Institute concluded that secondhand smoke is the cause of:
- 2,000 cases of SIDS a year
- 8,000 new cases of asthma in children
- 1 MIL cases of exacerbated asthma in children

put "vote YES on HB 82 (smoking in cars with children)" in the subject line.

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT! Together, we will make Utah a more safe and healthy place to live in!

p.s. : less than two weeks left in the session! ah!

25 February, 2010

Big Tobacco Kills People… and Bills

Alright folks, we are kind of in between a rock and a hard place right now… let me explain:

Big Tobacco must be throwin’ their money around again, because they are swaying the votes that we need! Along with that, Mr. Governor is convinced that the Tobacco Tax is not the answer… hmmm…

This means that we need to put Big Tobacco in their place! They are working hard to kill these life and money saving bills, and its up to US to kill their efforts!


We need to FLOOD the inboxes of our representatives with emails urging them to support tobacco prevention and this tobacco tax! A simple poll saying that 80% of Utahns support this isn’t enough. They need to hear it from the Utahns themselves! Please tell all of your family, friends, and neighbors!

For email addresses for Representatives, click HERE. For Senate, click HERE. For the Governor, click HERE. (top priority right now is the House of Reps., but the House, Senate, and Governor NEED YOUR EMAILS ASAP!)

(If you aren’t comfortable emailing ALL representatives, click HERE to find your rep. & senator)

For a sample letter, click HERE.

For talking points, click HERE.

Like I mentioned before, we need to flood the inboxes. Feel free to send your family, friends, and anyone else you can think of to this post for information. This is a crucial time for this bill. Lets show them that we care!

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

The Good:

Project:1200 got its word out a little bit today! I was able to testify about a personal story in the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee concerning the Senator Christensen's tobacco tax bill. Afterward, two radio stations came up and asked to interview me. So now, hopefully, Project:1200 will be known by a larger group of people! And, hopefully, it will help us in our cause! Go team!

The Bad:

Despite the efforts and various testimonies of Senator Christensen and the public (students, professors, directors, etc.), the committee defeated the bill with a vote of 3 for, 4 against, 1 absent. One tobacco tax bill defeated... One left. Representative Ray still has a bill, which we really need to push for! Lets make it happen!

The Ugly:

Big Tobacco and their lobbyists.

19 February, 2010

Utah needs you!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

We have hit an important part in the legislation. It is just about time for the House to vote on the Tobacco Tax Increase and we need to let them know to vote YES!

For a list of emails, click here.

For a sample letter, click here.

For talking points, see the post right after this one (Truth for Today).

The bill will be discussed for a little bit longer, so we have till AT LEAST Monday. So, please write soon!

Also, Representative Menlove's bill that puts limitations on the E-Cigarette passed! She had mentioned to me about having a ceremonial bill signing with the governor, so stay tuned for more details! This is gonna be great! Pat yourselves on the back for your efforts to get it passed! One down, Three more to go!

15 February, 2010

Truth for Today.

Howdy, Y'all!

Being an extra long holiday weekend, I thought I would step back from the legislative process and share some information with you that will increase your knowledge on the issue of TOBACCO. Here goes...


- There are 46 million adults who smoke in the US. 3.5 million US High School students.

- Over 50,000 people in America die every year from secondhand smoke.

- There are over 400,000 smoking related deaths in America every year.

- Every Year, secondhand smoke is estimated to cause:
- 2,000 deaths due to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
- 8,000 new cases of asthma in youth
- 1 million cases of exacerbated asthma

- Annual smoking-caused Medicaid spending in the US: $30.9 Billion
- (remember: EVERYONE pays for Medicaid. Tobacco user and non-tobacco user)

- Smoking-caused productivity losses in the US: $97 Billion

- By raising the national tobacco tax $1:
- 2,337,300 youth would never start smoking
- 1,256,600 adults would quit smoking
- lives saved from pre-mature smoking-caused death: 1,078,500


- 173,500 Adults who smoke in Utah. 13,400 US High School students.

- 1,100 deaths in Utah caused by smoking.

- 170 Adult nonsmokers who die each year from exposure to secondhand smoke.

- Annual smoking-caused state Medicaid spending: $104 million.

- Smoking-caused productivity costs in Utah: $294 million.

- Every household pays roughly $527 in taxes due to smoking-caused expenditures.

- By raising Utah's tobacco tax $1:
- 10,500 kids would never start smoking.
- 5,500 adults would quit.
- lives saved: 4,800


- "A high cigarette price, more than any other cigarette attribute, has the most dramatic impact on the share of the quitting population... Price, not tar level, is the main driving force for quitting." - Philip Morris International, 1993

- "We did not look at the underage market even though I am holding a document in my hand that says we did." - James Morgan, Former President & CEO of Philip Morris

- "There is little doubt that if it were not for the nicotine in tobacco smoke, people would be little more inclined to smoke than they are to blow bubbles or to light sparklers." - M.A.H. Russell, "The Smoking Habit and Its Classification."

- "[T]he base of our business are the high school students." - Lorillard Tobacco

- "They got lips? We want them." - RJ Reynolds Rep when asked their target audience.

- "We don't smoke it, we just sell it. We reserve that right for the young, the black, the poor, and the stupid." - David Goerlitz, former Winston Man, quoting tobacco executive.

- "Cigarettes are no more addictive than gummy bears." - James Morgan, CEO Philip Morris, '97

- "Cherry Skoal is for somebody who likes the taste of candy, if you know what I'm saying." - US Tobacco

- "We really need something for people to die of." - British American Tobacco, 1978

- "If our company is to survive and prosper, over the long term we must get our share of the youth market." - RJR, 1973

13 February, 2010

yesterday was LONG and SUCCESSFUL!


Alright folks, things are going well! I am listening to the audio of the meetings again right now, and they were intense! The first bill that was discussed was HB 196 (Tobacco Tax Revisions). All I gotta say is that Paul Ray and the "public comment" speakers were great! I don't think that any of the arguments and objections stood strong. They were all "debunked" and destroyed. One lady that spoke against the bill was... interesting. Lets just say that her most profound comment was, "we are all going to die of something." Yeah... I'm pretty sure she was counter productive for her cause. Feel free to listen to it! It's the "Agenda Item 2" found HERE. Her comment is at 24:06 minutes in. And if you have time, please listen to the WHOLE sound clip. It is VERY informative and worthwhile.

NEVERTHELESS, it passed! Way to go Rep. Ray.

Secondly, HB 82 (Smoking in cars with children) also passed! I was really worried because of the comments by some of the committee members (none of which sounded reasonable), since they hold a vote. Luckily, they were outnumbered! It passed! Congrats Rep. Seegmiller.

Now these two bills go to the floor to be discussed and voted on. Stay tuned for when to email the legislators!

Thanks for your continued support everyone! Through your efforts, we will get these things passed for a safer and healthier Utah!

11 February, 2010

BUSY day tomorrow!

Tomorrow, February 11th, is gonna be BUSY! Let me tell you whats goin down:

8:00-10:00 a.m. -- House Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee meeting. During this meeting, the Tobacco Tax Revision bill (HB 196) will be discussed and (hopefully!) voted on! I would ask you to email the committee members before the meeting tomorrow morning, but I am getting to this post so late that I don't think it would be plausible. Stay tuned though! Your opportunity to take action is coming up! Like... right now! If you can, come to the meeting (or listen to it online here)! It will be a good one for sure, especially because this is such a controversial bill.

10:00-12:00 p.m. -- LOBBYING! YOU would be perfect for the job! Come on up! We have plenty of things to cover with our legislators! Contact me if you plan on coming up (contact info at the bottom of this page).

2:00-4:00 p.m. -- House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee meeting. In this one, HB 82 (Protection of Children Riding in Motor Vehicles) will be discussed. This one is later in the day and could use an email before 2 p.m.! Please email the following addresses to urge them to pass this bill favorably to the floor:

3:00-5:00 p.m. -- Lastly, we have some amazing youth that are going to be handing out some valentines to the legislators and could use some of your help (of course!). updates on this one to come later! All I can say, is that its gonna be GOOD!

I hope that will be good for now! Definitely email that second committee ASAP! And pretty much you can come on over to the capitol any time between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and help out! Lets stick it to the man!

HB 88 update

So here I sit. My feet soaking wet and cold from marching through snow up to my knees. Ok, so not up to my knees... but wet and cold nonetheless!

I just left a Senate committee meeting after a discussion on Representative Menlove's bill (HB 88), which would restrict the sales of E-cigarettes to minors. It passed unanimously (favorably of course!) out of the committee. It will now be brought to the senate floor to be voted on!

If you are willing (and not sick of writing emails!), please email your senator and urge them to vote in favor of this lifesaving bill. Here is some information that you might want to add in your email (and to your memory!):

- E-cigarettes have no on/off button. So if a baby were to get his/her hands on one, you can GUARANTEE it is going straight into the mouth. Likewise, curious toddlers and youth can easily be exposed to it.

- E-cigarettes are being heavily marketed to youth. FLAVORS like cherry and chocolate grace the kiosks AT THE MALL where they are sold most regularly. It is only younger generations that see advertisements for them on FACEBOOK and MYSPACE. (note: I never see ads for E-cigarettes on facebook. Neither do any of the adults that I talk to... oddly enough, most teenagers recollect seeing ads for E-cigs. Anyone curious as to WHY?!)

- There are no current age restrictions on purchasing E-cigarettes. Thats right: my 5 year old neighbor can go out and buy the MOST ADDICTIVE DRUG IN THE WORLD.

- Feel free to throw any comments in your email to encourage them to amend the bill to add heavier restrictions. It cant hurt, right?!

please email your senators to let them know that you support this bill (copy and paste the list found at:


09 February, 2010


Brothers and Sisters!

Representative Seegmiller and the children in Utah need your help!

There is a bill that, if passed into law, would allow children to ride in a car free from cigarette smoke. HB 82 would impose a fine on a person who smokes while a child is in the car. Just so you know, HUNDREDS of children die every year because of secondhand smoke. THOUSANDS of others develop asthma, chronic infections, and other complications. This bill would help lower those numbers drastically.

In order for this to happen, we need to email members of a specific committee to urge them to support this bill and send it with a favorable mention to the House floor to be voted on. The emails of the legislators that need your email are found below:

Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Standing Committee:

Rep. Douglas C. Aagard, Chair :
Rep. Curtis Oda, Vice Chair :
Rep. Trisha S. Beck :
Rep. Ben C. Ferry :
Rep. Richard A. Greenwood :
Rep. David Litvack :
Rep. Rebecca D. Lockhart :
Rep. Paul Ray :
Rep. Jennifer M. Seelig :
Rep. Larry B. Wiley :
Rep. Carl Wimmer :

for more information on this bill, check out the facebook page at:

HB71 goes from the House to the Senate!

one step closer!

HB 71 passed through the house with a 54 "yeas" and 17 "nays." Can I get a "whoop whoop?!"

The next challenge is to get it passed in the senate. This is where you come in! We need to let our senators know that this is important enough to be passed into law. Email them, call them, visit them at their houses!

check it: below are the email addresses of the senators. if you need them for future needs, they will be found on the facebook groups discussion board ( lets flood their inboxes!

02 February, 2010

nicotine: Big Tobacco's pride and joy.

One drop of nicotine injected directly into the blood stream will kill you in SEVEN SECONDS.

Nicotine has been proven to be as addictive as heroine and cocaine.

"Of course its addictive, thats why you smoke the stuff." - Ross Johnson, RJR Tobacco Co.


Alrighty friends, here is the deal. I am sitting in the Health and Human Services (HHS) Standing Committee meeting, where the debate was heated! the topic of discussion: E-Cigarettes. HB71 is a bill that would ban the sales of various nicotine products in Utah, with E-Cigarettes in the center of the cross-hairs. it just passed in the committee meeting with a favorable recommendation, which means that it will hopefully hit the floor to be passed in the House soon! this is where you come in! please write your Representative to urge them to support this bill. lets get this thing passed!