Project: 1200 is a grassroots movement that uses social activism, creativity, and policy to take a stand against Big Tobacco - an industry that kills 1,200 people every day in the United States and 5 million people worldwide every year.
We will educate, advocate, and fight until Big Tobacco is brought to its knees.

11 February, 2010

HB 88 update

So here I sit. My feet soaking wet and cold from marching through snow up to my knees. Ok, so not up to my knees... but wet and cold nonetheless!

I just left a Senate committee meeting after a discussion on Representative Menlove's bill (HB 88), which would restrict the sales of E-cigarettes to minors. It passed unanimously (favorably of course!) out of the committee. It will now be brought to the senate floor to be voted on!

If you are willing (and not sick of writing emails!), please email your senator and urge them to vote in favor of this lifesaving bill. Here is some information that you might want to add in your email (and to your memory!):

- E-cigarettes have no on/off button. So if a baby were to get his/her hands on one, you can GUARANTEE it is going straight into the mouth. Likewise, curious toddlers and youth can easily be exposed to it.

- E-cigarettes are being heavily marketed to youth. FLAVORS like cherry and chocolate grace the kiosks AT THE MALL where they are sold most regularly. It is only younger generations that see advertisements for them on FACEBOOK and MYSPACE. (note: I never see ads for E-cigarettes on facebook. Neither do any of the adults that I talk to... oddly enough, most teenagers recollect seeing ads for E-cigs. Anyone curious as to WHY?!)

- There are no current age restrictions on purchasing E-cigarettes. Thats right: my 5 year old neighbor can go out and buy the MOST ADDICTIVE DRUG IN THE WORLD.

- Feel free to throw any comments in your email to encourage them to amend the bill to add heavier restrictions. It cant hurt, right?!

please email your senators to let them know that you support this bill (copy and paste the list found at:


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