Project: 1200 is a grassroots movement that uses social activism, creativity, and policy to take a stand against Big Tobacco - an industry that kills 1,200 people every day in the United States and 5 million people worldwide every year.
We will educate, advocate, and fight until Big Tobacco is brought to its knees.

25 February, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

The Good:

Project:1200 got its word out a little bit today! I was able to testify about a personal story in the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee concerning the Senator Christensen's tobacco tax bill. Afterward, two radio stations came up and asked to interview me. So now, hopefully, Project:1200 will be known by a larger group of people! And, hopefully, it will help us in our cause! Go team!

The Bad:

Despite the efforts and various testimonies of Senator Christensen and the public (students, professors, directors, etc.), the committee defeated the bill with a vote of 3 for, 4 against, 1 absent. One tobacco tax bill defeated... One left. Representative Ray still has a bill, which we really need to push for! Lets make it happen!

The Ugly:

Big Tobacco and their lobbyists.

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