Project: 1200 is a grassroots movement that uses social activism, creativity, and policy to take a stand against Big Tobacco - an industry that kills 1,200 people every day in the United States and 5 million people worldwide every year.
We will educate, advocate, and fight until Big Tobacco is brought to its knees.

05 April, 2010


Hey everybody!

So I am sitting on the steps of the capitol waiting for a friend... He asked for a tour. I guess I am now a tour guide! Woot. anyway... Being up here, along with a Coalition for Tobacco-Free Utah (CTFU) meeting this morning, is filling my mind with memories of the session that just took place. GOOD TIMES! With that said, I figured I would give an update on the bills, and local tobacco "stuff."

Last Wednesday marked the last day for the governor to sign all of the bills that were passed during the legislative session. He signed the E-cig bill! He didn't sign the tobacco tax... But he didn't veto it either! So beginning July 1st, Taxes will rise on many different tobacco products! Give yourself a big pat on the back! This is a HUGE SUCCESS for the health and well-being of Utah... a much needed success as well!

Another thing is my ONGOING battle with Smith's to get them to obey the law. Who would have thought that a company would be so OPPOSED to following the law. Hang tight, because we might be doing a flash mob or something to spread the word and make them realize this is a bigger issue than they may think! Also, in the tobacco prevention world, it is getting some attention. Health Departments, Cancer Societies, etc. are getting upset, so we are totally making a difference! Stay tuned for details!

I suppose this small epistle will suffice for today! Please continue to spread the word about Project:1200, and take action in your neighborhoods by doing small advocacy activities!

Until next time, PEACE!

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