Project: 1200 is a grassroots movement that uses social activism, creativity, and policy to take a stand against Big Tobacco - an industry that kills 1,200 people every day in the United States and 5 million people worldwide every year.
We will educate, advocate, and fight until Big Tobacco is brought to its knees.

22 April, 2010

It's art, duh!

Hey everyone!

This one will be short today. I just wanted to encourage you to take time out of your web surfing to stop by a schweet new art blog that is on the rise: Artduh! I (Peter Moosman) was interviewed by Artduh about my craftivist work for Project:1200. Take a look at and join the facebook group HERE.

As far as activism goes, may i suggest stopping by the Apple store at the mall and typing in in ALL the computers... let the Apple store provide a plethora of tobacco facts to all their visitors and customers! (p.s. - this works at ANY public place that has computers with internet access... not just our good friends at Apple)

Until next time...



  1. Pretty sure everyone knows that smoking is bad for them. I am also pretty sure you have to be an adult to buy them. Are you saying that what you believe to be right should be forced upon all adults? It is the smokers choice to smoke just like its the your choice not to. I am a fan of attacking organizations who lie but I am pretty sure that every pack of cigarettes has a warning that tells people of their harmful effects. Your movement speaks of big government control. Where do we draw the line? Are you religious person? Christianity has caused the deaths of millions, should the government ban that too? How about you focus on helping people quit who want to rather than giving the power to decide if an adult can partake in something that they are clearly warned about to the government.
    Good luck with your cause; I hope you succeed and that the government gets all the control.

  2. I saw your bio on It's art, duh and I thought I would check out your site. Congrats on your grass root movement. I think your passion for this cause is wonderful.
