20 April, 2009
im sorry!
31 March, 2009
KBD rocked!
23 March, 2009
its been a while!
10 March, 2009
so here is a run-down of the latest events up on capitol hill:
1. for no logical reason, House Majority Leadership wont let HB219 (Tobacco Tax Increase) be voted on... but "hopefully" in a special session in may-aug. so hold tight for further updates on that.
2. HB444 (Tobacco Settlement Money) has become even more confusing than ever before, and pretty much nobody on the hill understands it, so it may not be voted on.
3. HB284 (smoking in cars with children ban) is also being swept under the rug for unknown, illogical reasons.
4. SB228 (prohibition on internet tobacco sales) still stands a chance!!!
a little info on SB228:
SB228 prohibits the purchase of tobacco products via the internet or through mail-order by individuals or businesses not licensed by the state to receive untaxed tobacco products.
it will curtail or eliminate the illegal purchase of cigarettes and other tobacco products by minors.
it will make tobacco products less affordable and therefore less attractive, and will curtail consumption, particularly by youth.
it will deter the evasion of state and federal tobacco taxes.
it will save the state money and increase revenue collections.
it will assure that tobacco products comply with federal and state regulations (such as labeling and fire-safe regulations) related to those products.
it will SAVE LIVES!!!
email all the members of the House and urge them to vote YES on SB228. share personal stories, as well as the above mentioned benefits.
their email addresses to copy and paste in BCC window of email:
dipson@utah.gov, dclark@utah.gov, mnoel@kanab.net, evickers@utah.gov, blast@utah.gov, kaymciff@utah.gov, cwatkins@utah.gov, bwinn@utah.gov, ppainter@utah.gov, mikemorley@utah.gov, fgibson@utah.gov, blockhart@utah.gov, sclark@utah.gov, cherrod@utah.gov, keithgrover@utah.gov, bdaw@utah.gov, lfowlke@utah.gov, ssandstrom@utah.gov, cfrank@utah.gov, ksumsion@utah.gov, jmathis@utah.gov, kraigpowell@utah.gov, melbrown@utah.gov, cwimmer@utah.gov, greghughes@utah.gov, merlynnnewbold@utah.gov, jseegmiller@utah.gov, tbeck@utah.gov, steven_mascaro@comcast.net, mariepoulson@utah.gov, lblack@utah.gov, tcosgrove@utah.gov, wharper@utah.gov, jbird@utah.gov, toddkiser@utah.gov, lhemingway@utah.gov, jdunnigan@utah.gov, ehutchings@utah.gov, csmoss@utah.gov, priesen@utah.gov, markwheatley@utah.gov, koryholdaway@utah.gov, nhendrickson@utah.gov, ronbigelow@utah.gov, lwiley@utah.gov, jbiskupski@utah.gov, janicefisher@utah.gov, briansking@utah.gov, jdougall@utah.gov, dlitvack@utah.gov, christinejohnson@utah.gov, rchouck@utah.gov, jseelig@utah.gov, sduckworth@utah.gov, jgowans@utah.gov, beckyedwards@utah.gov, sherylallen@utah.gov, rogerbarrus@utah.gov, jfisher@utah.gov, kgarn@utah.gov, daagard@utah.gov, coda@utah.gov, pray@utah.gov, rgreenwood@utah.gov, bdee@utah.gov, bwallis@utah.gov, neilhansen@utah.gov, gfroerer@utah.gov, ryanwilcox@utah.gov, kwgibson@utah.gov, curtwebb@utah.gov, fhunsaker@utah.gov, jdraxler@utah.gov, bcferry@utah.gov, rmenlove@utah.gov
thanks sooo much for taking your time out to do this! you rock!
06 March, 2009
we had some Project:1200 reps up at the capitol today, me included. the sight was NOT pretty. so let me tell you about some events that took place today:
i met a lobbyist that works for R.J. Reynolds. big fat jerk, fyi. he ran away from me and talked to his tobacco lobbyist friends. yes, he literally ran away from me.
later on, when standing outside the door of the House Chamber, our dear friend Bigelow came waltzing out like he owned the world, took a glance at me and QUICKLY looked away and continued on towards our dear tobacco lobbyists... laughing, smiling, having a good time. jerk.
i talked to a few of the leaders of the House. the democrats seemed more supportive than the republicans... in fact, the republicans were TOTALLY AGAINST the tax. every single republican leader said that there was no way it would pass. a few responses i got were:
"there is no way it will go through. we will only do one tax increase, and this year its not going to be the tobacco tax." and i asked why the car registration tax (which nobody supports) and not the tobacco tax (which has 80% constituent support). he didnt say anything...
"we dont want it to look like we are pointing the finger at the bad guy and singling people out. and the car registration tax will have more of a revenue." i respond "but what about morals? this saves lives! its been proven in other states that increase their tobacco tax that less youth start and more people quit." she responds: "thats what tobacco prevention and cessation programs are for." HA! i let her know that they are cutting those and she just walked away....
so pretty much i think they all hate me now.
conclusion: the tobacco tax increase bill is not looking so good (even though it passed the committee vote, 6 to 1 and has over 3/4 of utah is supporting it). so what do we do about that? well, tomorrow is their day off, so we are going to blitz them! this is where you come in! we need you to call, email, text, and visit the republican leaders of the House. do what it takes. show no mercy!
Speaker of the House:
David Clark
staying at the Grand America Hotel
Home Phone: 435-628-5108
Work Phone: 435-634-5123
Majority Leader:
Kevin Garn
Home Phone: 801-544-3533
Work Phone: 801-776-0232
Majority Whip:
Brad Dee
111 W 5600 S, OGDEN, UT 84405
Home Phone: 801-479-5495
Work Phone: 801-399-8623
Majority Assistant Whip:
Rebecca Lockhart
1754 S NEVADA AVE, PROVO, UT 84606
Home Phone: 801-377-7428
Cell Phone: 801-369-6784
Appropriations Co-Chair:
Ron Bigelow
Home Phone: 801-968-4188
Appropriations Vice-Chair:
Brad Last
staying at Grand America Hotel
Home Phone: 435-635-7334
Work Phone: 435-673-8666
Rules Committee Chair:
Ben Ferry
staying at Grand America Hotel
Home Phone: 435-744-2997
Work Phone: 435-744-2997
let passion flow from your fingertips, from your lips, from your FISTS! (hehe just kidding on the fists thing... but seriously.)
and keep contacting your senators about HB444
yours in the fight,
p.s.remember to EMAIL Gov. Huntsman
your flyers and phone calls should include:
-I won’t /don’t stand for HB444 which cripples needed tobacco prevention and quitting services in Utah ($4M cut), and siphons off every single penny of tobacco settlement funds to go to everything BUT helping people to quit.
-Raise the tobacco excise tax (HB219) AND appropriate tax funds to tobacco prevention and cessation so that as many people as possible who use tobacco can be helped to quit.
-Big tobacco addicts kids, and Utah legislators. Call Rep. Bigelow to push back against Big Tobacco’s manipulation: 801-968-4188.
See www.stopthechop.com for resources:
-March 2nd Post: Talking points on why robbing the MSA is amoral and detrimental.
-February 28th Post: Talking points on the excise tax.
-February 7th Post: Talking points on the effectiveness and need for tobacco prevention programs in Utah.
Anything can happen in these last days of the legislative session. Let’s sock it to Rep. Bigelow so that Big Tobacco doesn’t sock it to Utah.
04 March, 2009
we still have a chance! ACT NOW!!!
so bad news... Rep. Bigelow's bill, HB444, which strips Tobacco Prevention Programs of the Tobacco Settlement money (yeah, pretty much destroys the programs) passed in the House. Bigelow was sneaky in every move to get this thing passed. now we need to stop it before it passes in Senate. here is the game plan:
ACT TODAY!!! it passed in the house in two days. we cant let it pass in the senate!
1. EMAIL, CALL, AND TEXT the Senators (especially yours!) and let them know that HB444 is a deadly bill that needs to be stopped. it will cripple Utah's success and the health of its people. tell them that you support them voting AGAINST it.
(see http://www.healthpolicyproject.org/AdvocacyToolkit.html and then to “Legislator Contact Info–Perfect for Mail Merge!” to copy and paste ALL Senate addresses into the BCC line of your email).
2. EMAIL and CALL Rep. Bigelow. we are going to flood every line he has till he has no choice but to do what he knows he should. his numbers:
home: 801.968.4188
office: 801.538.1029
email: ronbigelow@utah.gov
3. get a group together (if you need someone, call me!) to knock doors in Bigelow's District to spread the word to his constituents. he represents House District 32 (west valley area)
4. EMAIL Gov. Huntsman
your flyers and phone calls should include:
-I won’t /don’t stand for HB444 which cripples needed tobacco prevention and quitting services in Utah ($4M cut), and siphons off every single penny of tobacco settlement funds to go to everything BUT helping people to quit.
-Raise the tobacco excise tax (HB219) AND appropriate tax funds to tobacco prevention and cessation so that as many people as possible who use tobacco can be helped to quit.
-Big tobacco addicts kids, and Utah legislators. Call Rep. Bigelow to push back against Big Tobacco’s manipulation: 801-968-4188.
See www.stopthechop.com for resources:
-March 2nd Post: Talking points on why robbing the MSA is amoral and detrimental.
-February 28th Post: Talking points on the excise tax.
-February 7th Post: Talking points on the effectiveness and need for tobacco prevention programs in Utah.
Anything can happen in these last days of the legislative session. Lots on our side. Let’s sock it to Rep. Bigelow so that Big Tobacco doesn’t sock it to Utah.
yours in the fight,
03 March, 2009
new site!
01 March, 2009
under attack again!
Rep. Bigelow just introduced HB 444 that would gut TPCP programs. Because this bill is coming out so late, it won’t get the same attention, so we need to contact everyone up on Capitol Hill to let them know the serious harm this bill would cause.
If HB444 passes, Utah’s TPCP will have NO tobacco settlement (MSA) money dedicated to the programs (the programs that the money was initially supposed to go to!).
Contact ALL House and Senate legislators to tell them to vote against the bill (your House rep. especially) using this web site: http://www.healthpolicyproject.org/AdvocacyToolkit.html
go to “Legislator Contact Info—Perfect for Mail Merge!” and copy and paste the email addresses into the BCC line in your email.
When emailing your specific House legislator, include your home address so they know you're their constituent. Tell them your tobacco story.
Also be sure to contact Governor Huntsman via: http://governor.utah.gov/goca/form_governor.html
Even if you’ve already contacted these persons on the tax or TPCP funding, do it again. This time, reference this specific bill.
friday's event? awesome!
i feel bad for everyone else that didnt make it, because it was so coolio! and for those of you that didnt make it, i thought i would give the DL of what happened.
here goes...
we all met in the parking lot of West High and decorated cars... and... well... two U-HAULS! yeah! we got butcher paper and spray paint and covered those suckers! since the decorating took longer than expected, we had to split up! the two u-hauls, along with most of the drivers, followed a route through the city so that everyone could see our message!!! the rest of us went to the rally site and got the petition going and had signs for people to see, via channel 2 news, trax, driving by, and walking by. i havent counted how many signatures we got, but we did get a few pages full! we even got the kutv security guard to sign (and lets not forget the uta man who kicked us off their property!)
overall, it was a great success! we got lots of attention with the rally, and even more with the caravan! pictures and video will be added shortly, for the full effect of the whole shin-dig. and when they get posted, PLEASE send them to your representative up on capitol hill. let them know that work is being done by the people... and they should do whats right to follow.
and fyi: stories are STILL being collected.
tell about a success story of how you quit, how you got involved in tobacco prevention, or how you lost a loved one due to tobacco (or how they are still alive, but how the suffering hasn't stopped).
thanks, crew!
22 February, 2009
surprise in the mailbox!

hows everyone doing today?! good i hope! i have some exciting stuff to share!

21 February, 2009
WHO: You and anyone you know who cares about this issue, or just wants to have a good time.
WHAT: Telling the public and legislators that Utah cares about tobacco prevention and that we wont sit back and let Big Tobacco rob us of our health and economy.
Conduct YOUR OWN advocacy event. See www.stopthechop.com and www.project1200advocacy.blogspot.com for details and ideas.
WHEN: 4-6p.m. Friday, February 27, 2009 is the main event (but activities should start NOW, and go through March 11. any time, anywhere).
we will be meeting at 3:30 in the West High parking lot to begin a car caravan with signs and things on our cars... traveling around the city to get the word out.
at five we are going to have a rally outside the KUTV news station (just as the news starts) and shortly thereafter walk around the city with our signs and flyers to hand out!
WHERE: Anywhere and everywhere across Utah (and hey, why not the nation?!).
Main event: salt lake city.
WHY: Because Big Tobacco is a greedy, evil empire and it’s high time we told them who is in charge. Lives are at stake! do it for those who have died, do it for you, and do it for the future generations!
WHAT TO BRING: bring signs to carry and signs to put on your car. feel free to decorate your car as well! see the links (noted above) for ideas on what to put on the signs.
also, if you can, make a shirt that says, " 'Thanks Utah Legislature!' yours truly, Big Tobacco" (or something more creative... that was just on the spot)
or wear a shirt that you already have that supports the tobacco-free message!
if you have ANY questions, please call or email me!
this is going to be epic.
19 February, 2009
so just a little heads up, we are doing an advocacy activity next week (specifics to be announced soon!) in which we are definitely going to be holding our politicians accountable, and that will make big tobacco tremble... yeah, tremble!
the main event will be in salt lake city, but just because you dont live here doesnt mean you cant get involved. shortly i will be adding a list of things that ANYONE, ANYWHERE can do ANYTIME (but just for the special occasion, we hope you will do something with us!)
so hang tight for a little while, and i will keep you posted!
(p.s. - if anyone has a big ol' spotlight, please let me know! think... bat signal...)
truly yours truly,
16 February, 2009
she smoked until she was 23. around that time, she got married and let her family be her motivation. she wanted to be able to raise a healthy family and be a positive example for those around her (especially future children!).
whether she knows it or not, she has been a huge motivation to me. not only her desire to quit and making that desire a success, but for me to never start, and to become involved in helping others as well.
thanks to her, i am going on my 6th year of tobacco prevention involvement and starting Project:1200. thanks Heather!
please feel free to share your stories!
please share your motivations to get involved, stories of family and friends who either quit or lost their lives due to tobacco related illnesses. let the stories be encouragement to everyone!
yours in the fight,
14 February, 2009
Friday the 13th at Castle of Chaos
Project:1200 showed up for Castle of Chaos' friday the thirteenth event: Night of 10,000 Corpses! just to let you all know - the line was around the block!!! it was a huge success! and lucky for us, we brought some flyers to hand out (400 to be exact) and handed them ALL out! we didnt have enough for everyone!!! oh dang!
for those of you that heard of Project:1200 from the Castle of Chaos event, WELCOME TO THE CREW! take a look around and hop on board to fight against Big Tobacco!
and for everyone - some advocacy event ideas have been floating through my noggin, so expect to hear some exciting stuff happening with Project:1200 soon!
keep talking to you legislature about the tobacco tax increase and keeping tobacco prevention funded. we can make a huge impact!!!
12 February, 2009
pictures from rally!
a few of us were up on capital hill today lobbying for the cause.
we talked to all of the leaders of the House of Representatives (minus the House Speaker, but we sent a fact sheet in to him), and we were able to speak with many committee members who will be voting on the budget. we even made a few contacts with other lobbyists that were up there, so hopefully we will be able to join forces to take down Big Tobacco.
the fight is still on!
if anyone has any suggestions, ideas, or tools to make this movement move forward, please let me know!
thanks for your help and support!
P.S. - there were lots of pictures taken, so expect to see pics up here from our activities shortly. thanks for your patience!
11 February, 2009
Are We Worth Nothing to You?
this is a video that was put together to send to the committee members that are discussing the Tobacco Prevention Program budgets for FY10.
there is still time to email it to them! their meeting is tomorrow afternoon! attach the following link to your email:
now send it to these people:
achristensen@utahsenate.org, mdayton@utahsenate.org, pjones@utahsenate.org, dliljenquist@utahsenate.org, lhillyard@utahsenate.org, pknudson@utahsenate.org, gbell@utahsenate.org, sjenkins@utahsenate.org, skillpack@utahsenate.org, kmayne@utahsenate.org, lrobles@utahsenate.org, rromero@utahsenate.org, waddoups@utahsenate.org, ronbigelow@utah.gov, blast@utah.gov, dclark@utah.gov, bdee@utah.gov, kgarn@utah.gov, jgowans@utah.gov, dlitvack@utah.gov, blockhart@utah.gov, csmoss@utah.gov, jseelig@utah.gov, jdougall@utah.gov, rchouck@utah.gov, bcferry@utah.gov, keithgrover@utah.gov, kraigpowell@utah.gov, pray@utah.gov, rfrandsen@utah.gov, sjardine@utah.gov, Smallred@utah.gov, Jball@utah.gov
copy and paste it onto the BCC line of your email... then write a short message, urging them to keep tobacco prevention funded! thank you so much!!!
Project:1200's first event!
the plan was to rally at the capital as the committee meetings were adjourned and talk to the politicians as they left the meeting.
Bad news: they adjourned early...
so when we got there, the capital was nearly free of those politicians. BUT when we got there, so did Fox 13 news, the SL Trib, Channel 4 news, and some journalists! so i got to do some interviews in behalf of the group (which will hopefully be on air. check it out!!!). we did get to talk to some other lobbyists, journalists, and politicians, but mostly just a bunch of random people.
when we met back in the main building, we noticed that there was another rally (much larger than ours, mind you) up in the rotunda. it was a rally to allow gay couples to adopt.
we decided to use this to our advantage.
one of our rally-ers had a stack of paper, so i began to make signs and little business cards to hand out.
it said something along the lines of:
Big Tobacco thinks the LGBT community is SCUM! thats why they named their LGBT campaign, Project SCUM (Sub Culture Urban Marketing). pissed off? do something. brought to you by Project 1200
Project SCUM. Big tobacco's campaign to target the LGBT community.
anyways... we changed our focus of the rally at the end, and i think we got our point across! and we got the Project 1200 name out!
and you can expect to see many of us back up there tomorrow before they make the final votes! please join us!