Project: 1200 is a grassroots movement that uses social activism, creativity, and policy to take a stand against Big Tobacco - an industry that kills 1,200 people every day in the United States and 5 million people worldwide every year.
We will educate, advocate, and fight until Big Tobacco is brought to its knees.

01 March, 2010

HB 82 is on fire! and hey, so are you!

Good news!

HB 82 (smoking in cars with children) passed out of the senate committee today with 3 yea, 2 nay, 1 absent! Thank you for emailing the committee to let them know of the importance of this bill!
LAST STOP: senate floor! feel free to write the senate and urge them to support HB 82 by voting YES!
(email addresses found HERE. talking points found HERE, half way down the post)

As far as the Governor Blitz goes, details will come soon. I will say that his voicemail inbox was full for a large portion of the day, which means that he received a LOT of contacts! I was in the governors office today, and actually witnessed the tally sheet. Unfortunately, when I spotted it, I was on my way out, and the moment to examine it had passed, so I didn't see the details... shucks.

BUT! the battle is still on! please keep writing the governor and the house to urge them to support the tax, and start writing the senate to urge them to support HB 82. LETS SHOW BIG TOBACCO WHO IS IN CHARGE!

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